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How To Create A Mindful Meditation Space

Mindfulness meditation has been shown to reduce your stress levels and improve your ability to focus. Creating a space dedicated to mindfulness practice and relaxation in your home or office helps to incorporate this brain healthy routine into your daily life.

What Are Ways A Meditation Space Helps Build Habit?

Having a meditation space supports your mindfulness habit in three ways:

  1. Your meditation space serves as a visual reminder of your practice and acts as a trigger for the healthy habit of meditation.
  2. Practicing mindfulness in the same meditation spot primes your mind for stillness when you sit or lie down in this chosen physical location.
  3. Decorating a meditation space with meaningful items makes the habit of meditation feel more special and enjoyable.

What Are Tips To Build My Dedicated Space?

Are you convinced that you need a dedicated space for relaxation? Here are some tips on setting up a personal mindfulness space in your home or office:

  1. Choose a room or space that makes you feel good. When you’re choosing the spot, it’s important to consider the location’s quietness, light level, and privacy. You can always use a bamboo screen to section off a certain part of your room or office. If you sleep or live with other people, take that into account when you choose the location of your space. (E.g., if you want to meditate first thing in the morning but your partner sleeps later than you, set up a spot that is outside of the bedroom.)

  2. Set up a comfy meditation seat. You might consider options like a round zafu cushion, an L-back seat, a regular chair, or even an unrolled yoga mat for reclined practice.

  3. Add supportive props like pillows and blankets. Especially when beginning a meditation practice, it’s important to be as comfortable as possible. Soft blankets and/or pillows to support your back or your knees can help you settle in and practice for longer.

  4. Decorate your space with meaningful items that support your practice. Common elements include greenery, candles, rocks or crystals, photos of loved ones, notes or poems, and other souvenirs. Each person’s meditation space will have different objects – the most important thing is to choose items that make you feel happy, supported, and calm.

  5. Consider adding aromatic elements. Our sense of smell is the only sense that goes directly to the amygdala, a part of the brain associated with emotions and fight or flight activation. We can use a scent in conjunction with meditation practice to help calm the body and mind and prime the mind for stillness. Lavender spray or a citrus candle are two examples of uplifting and calming scented accessories.

  6. Send us pictures of your space at [email protected] and tag us on Instagram @mastermindmeditate so we can feature your creation on our page!

How Can I Bring Mindfulness To My Workplace?

If you’re looking for more mindfulness tips and techniques for greater ease, focus and well-being, work with Mastermind to build your own mindful community in the workplace! Contact us to learn how to bring research-backed mental wellness to your team.


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